Dr. Larry Myers

Lawrence Myers (Larry) has been a member of the faculty of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Auburn University in Alabama for thirty years (Jan.1, 1982). He holds a B.S. in wildlife ecology, an M.S. in zoology where he worked primarily in ethology (animal behavior), a Ph.D. in physiology (neurophysiology) and a D.V.M.

His research has been principally on detector dog-handler teams since arriving at Auburn, including sensory function, conditions impairing the sense of smell, behavior, training, reliability and factors affecting reliability.

He founded the Institute for Biological Detection Systems at Auburn in 1989 and was its first director until 1994. At the time it was the largest, most comprehensive research program of its type.

Dr. Myers is also president of Myers & Associates, P.C., a company the includes animal behavior services, research consulting services and expert witness services.